Dsc Pc5010 Installer Code


  1. We have a (rather outdated) PC5010 pre-installed at our house. It's been pre-wired and has 3 keypads all set up. The problem is that we are the third owners and we do not know the master code or the user codes. The system has the installer bypass enabled and I am trying to use the bypass to change the master code to set it up for our use.
  2. Hello, Just bought the DSC 832 (PC5010), in the setup manual it makes reference to the installer's code and Master code. The installer's code is given in the manual, but I can't find anywhere what the initial master code is set to.

This is especially true for the master code so someone doesn’t walk in and try 1234 to disarm your alarm system, but it is always good to change the installer code as well. If you change the installer code, make sure that you remember it. Otherwise you will have no way to get back into programming without a full system default.

Arming from an LED Keypad:

If the Ready light is ON, the system is ready for arming. If the Ready light is OFF, check to see that all doors and windows are closed and that motion is stopped in areas covered by motion detectors. The system Cannot be armed unless the Ready light is ON indicating that all zones are closed and the system is in the Ready state.

Enter your [User code]. As each digit is entered, the keypad sounder will beep. If the access code was entered incorrectly, the keypad buzzer will sound steadily for two seconds. If this occurs, press the [#] key and re-enter your [User code]. If the correct access code is entered, the keypad sounder will beep quickly and the Armed light will come ON. Exit the premises through the door indicated by your installer as the Exit/Entry door.

The panel will provide an exit delay period, indicated by keypad beeps, for you to exit the premises without causing an alarm. At the end of the exit delay period, the Ready light will turn OFF and the system will be armed. The exit delay time can be changed by your installer.

Arming from an LCD Keypad:

Secure System
Before Arming<>

When this message appears, one or more zones are not secured. To secure the system, close all doors and windows and cease all motion in areas covered by motion detectors.

Enter Code to
Arm System <>

When this message appears, use the arrow (< >) keys to verify that the system is clear of troubles and that no zones are bypassed unintentionally.

Enter Code to
Arm System

If this display is showing, the system is in the Ready state and may be fully armed. To arm the system, enter your [User code].

Exit Delay in

Once the correct user code has been entered, the display will be as shown. The panel will provide an exit delay period, also indicated by keypad beeps, for you to exit the premises without causing an alarm. You can restart the exit delay once by pressing the [Away] button before the exit delay expires. Exit through the door indicated by your installer as the Exit/Entry door.

Exit Code to
Disarm System

This message will be displayed once the exit delay expires and the system is fully armed.

Bypass Active

If this message appears, be aware of which zones are bypassed and why.

NOTE: If you arm the system with a zone bypassed or with a trouble present, your security protection is reduced.

Alternate Arming Methods Away Arming:

Arming the system in the Away mode will have all interior zones and perimeter zones active. If motion is detected in the interior zones, or if one of the perimeter zones is violated, the alarm sequence will begin. To arm in the Away mode, enter your [User code] and exit the premises through a designated Exit/Entry door. The system will recognize that occupants have left the premises. Once the exit delay expires, the system will be fully armed.

Audible Exit Fault:

In an attempt to reduce false alarms, the Audible Exit Fault is designed to notify you of an improper exit when arming the system in the Away mode. In the event that you fail to exit the premises during the allotted exit delay period, or if you do not securely close the Exit/Entry door, the system will notify you that it was improperly armed in two ways: the keypad will emit one continuous beep and the bell or siren will sound. If this occurs, you must re-enter the premises, enter your [User code] to disarm the system, and then follow the arming procedure again, making sure to exit the premises in the proper fashion. Your installer will tell you if the Audible Exit Fault has been enabled on your system.

Stay Arming:

This feature, if enabled by your installer, will allow you to arm the perimeter zones while leaving the interior zones inactive so that you can remain on the premises while the system is armed. When you enter your [User code] to arm the system and do not exit the premises through a designated Exit/ Entry door, the system will arm in the Stay mode, automatically bypassing the interior zones.

The interior zones can be reactivated at any time by entering [*] [1] at any keypad. If you reactivate the interior zones, be sure to only inhabit areas not covered by motion detectors. To access areas protected by motion sensors, you must enter your [User code] and disarm the system.

Arming Without Entry Delay:

If you wish to arm your system without the entry delay, enter [*] [9] then your [User code]. The Armed light will flash as a reminder that the system is armed and has no entry delay. An entry through any zone programmed as a delay zone will create an instant alarm.

Quick Arm:

When the Quick Arm feature is enabled, the system may be armed by simply pressing [*] [0]instead of your User code. Please note that pressing [*] [0] will only allow you to arm the system; to disarm; you must enter a valid [User code]. Your installer will inform you if the Quick Arm feature has been enabled on your system.

Quick Exit:

When the Quick Exit feature is enabled, pressing [*] [0] while the system is armed will provide a two minute window for you to exit the premises. During this time, you may only open and close the designated Entry/Exit door once. Once the door is closed, the panel will end the two minute quick exit delay. If the door is opened again, or if the door is not closed after two minutes, or if another zone is opened, the panel will begin the entry delay. Your installer will inform you if the Quick Exit feature has been enabled on your system.

Disarming from an LED Keypad:

Enter the premises through a designated Exit/Entry door; entering by any other door will sound an immediate alarm. As soon as the Exit/Entry door is opened, the keypad will beep to indicate that the system should be disarmed. Go to the keypad and enter your [User code]. If an error is made entering the code, enter your code again. As soon as the correct code is entered, the Armed light will go out and the keypad will stop beeping. The correct access code must be entered before the entry delay period expires. If a valid User code is not entered during this time, the system will go into alarm. The entry delay time may be changed by your installer.

If an alarm occurred while the system was armed, the Memory light and the zone light corresponding to the zone which caused the alarm will flash for 30 seconds. After the 30 second period, the Memory light and zone light will stop flashing and the panel will return to the Ready state. Pressing the [#] key during the 30 second period will cancel the alarm memory display. To view other alarms, press [*] [3].

If a trouble was detected when the panel is disarmed, the Trouble light will turn ON. Please note that troubles will not display while the system is in the Alarm Memory Display mode.

Disarming from an LCD Keypad:

Upon entering through a designated Exit/Entry door, the keypad will beep and the entry delay will commence, reminding you to disarm the system. The keypad will display the following message…

Entry Active
Enter Your Code

Enter your [User code]. If an error is made in entering the code, re-enter the [User code]correctly.When a valid access code is entered, the keypad will stop beeping. If no alarms occurred while the panel was armed, and there are no troubles, the display will read…

System Disarmed
No Alarm Memory

After about five seconds, the system will return to the Ready state and the display will read…

Enter Code to
Arm System
View Memory<>
“Zone of Alarm”

If an alarm occurred while the system was armed, this message will be displayed. Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which zones caused the alarm. If a zone is still in alarm, the display will show the following message to indicate that a zone is open…

Secure System
Before Arming<>
Enter Code to
Arm System<>

Upon disarming and if a trouble is present, this message will be displayed. Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which troubles are affecting the system.

The alarm memory is cleared each time the panel is armed so that any alarms showing are alarms that occurred only during the last armed period.

Zone Bypassing:

The zone bypassing function is used when access is needed to part of the protected area while the system is armed. Zones which are temporarily out of service due to damaged wiring or contacts may be bypassed to allow system arming until repairs can be made. Bypassed zones will not cause an alarm. Zones cannot be bypassed once the system is armed. Bypassed zones are automatically cancelled each time the system is disarmed and must be reapplied before the next arming.

NOTE: For security reasons, your installer may program the system to prevent you from bypassing certain zones. Bypassing zones reduces your security protection. If you are bypassing a zone due to damaged wiring or contacts, please call a service technician immediately so that the problem can be resolved and your system returned to proper working order. Do not unintentionally bypass zones when you arm your system.

To bypass zones from an LED keypad:

Start with the system in the Ready state. Enter [*] [1] [Zone number (s) to be bypassed].

Enter the zone number (s) as a double digit from (01 to 32). As each zone is bypassed, the corresponding zone light will turn ON. If a zone is bypassed by mistake, press that zone number again and the zone light will turn OFF, indicating that the zone is not bypassed.

Press [#] to return to the Ready state. When the system is armed, the Bypass light will be ON if one or more zones are bypassed.

To bypass zones from an LCD keypad:

Dsc Pc5010 Installer Code

To bypass a zone, the system must be in the Ready state. The display will read…

Enter Code to
Arm System<>

Press the [*] key to enter the functions menu. The display will read…

Press (*) for<>
Zone Bypass

Press the [*] key to enter the zone bypassing mode. The display will read…

Zone Search<>
“Zone Name”

Use the arrow (< >) keys to find the zone to be bypassed and press the [*] key to select it. The display will read…

Zone Search<>
“Zone Name” B

“B” will appear on the display to show that the zone is bypassed. To un-bypass a zone, enter the zone number; the “B” will disappear from the display to show that the zone is no longer bypassed.

Zone Search<>
“Zone Name” O

This display will be shown if a zone was open when you entered the bypassing command. The open zone will be represented by “O”. If you bypass the open zone, the “O” will be replaced by a “B”.

To exit the bypassing mode and return to the Ready state, press the [#] key.

Door Chime Feature:

The door chime feature is used to provide a tone from the keypad each time a door or window is opened or closed. The doors and windows which will provide this indication are programmed by your installer.

To activate the door chime from an LED Keypad:

Enter [*][4] to turn the door chime feature ON and OFF. When the command is entered, the keypad buzzer will beep 3 times if the door chime feature is enabled and will sound one long beep if it is disabled. Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

To activate the door chime from an LCD Keypad:

Press [*] to enter the function list, then scroll to find…

Press (*) For<>

Door Chime

Press [*] or [4] to enable or disable the Door Chime feature. Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

Alarm Memory LED Keypad:

If an alarm occurred while the system was armed, the Memory light and the zone light corresponding to the zone which caused the alarm will flash for 30 seconds. After the 30 second period, the Memory light and zone light will stop flashing and the panel will return to the Ready state.

Pressing the [#] key during the 30 second period will cancel the alarm memory display.

To view other alarms, press [*] [3].

Alarm Memory LCD Keypad:

Upon entering through a designated Exit/Entry door, the keypad will beep and the entry delay will commence, reminding you to disarm the system. The keypad will display the following message…

Entry Active

Enter Your Code

Enter your [User code]. If an error is made in entering the code, enter the code again. When a valid user code is entered, the keypad will stop beeping. If no alarms occurred while the panel was armed, and there are no troubles, the display will read…

System Disarmed

No Alarm Memory

After about five seconds, the system will return to the Ready state and the display will read…

Enter Code to

Arm System < >

View Memory < >

“Zone of Alarm”

If an alarm occurred while the system was armed, this message will be displayed. Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which zones caused the alarm. If a zone is still in alarm, the display will show the following message to indicate that a zone is open…

Secure System

Before Arming < >

Enter Code to

Arm System

Upon disarming and if a trouble is present, this message will be displayed. Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which troubles are affecting the system.

NOTE: The alarm memory is cleared each time the panel is armed so that any alarms showing are alarms that occurred only during the last armed period.

Programming codes from an LED Keypad:

The Master Code:

To program the Master Code, enter [*] [5] [current Master Code] [40] [new Master Code]. The Master Code must be four digits unless otherwise indicated by your installer. Enter digits 0 through 9 only.

Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

NOTE: We recommend that the factory default or obvious codes such as [1111] or [1234] not be used.

Additional Codes:

Up to 32 additional access codes (01 through 32) may be programmed.

To program a new code:

Enter [*] [5] [Master Code] [code number 01 to 32] [new user code]. The code number is a double digit from 01 to 32. User codes must be four digits unless otherwise indicated by your installer. Enter digits 0 through 9 only. Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

If an access code already exists for the code number you have selected, it will be replaced by the new code. Be sure to record your new code(s).

To erase a code:

Enter [*] [5] [Master Code] [code number 01 to 32] [*]. Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

NOTE: The Master code cannot be erased.

Programming codes from an LCD Keypad:

Master Code:

Press the [*] key to enter the function list. Scroll (< >) to…

Press (*) for<>

Access Codes

Press [5] or [*]. The display will read…

Enter Master

Access Code

Enter your current [Master Code]. The display will read…

(*) to Edit<>

User Code 01P

“40P” represents the Master Code. Press the [*] key to indicate that you wish to program the Master Code. The display will read…

Enter New Code

1234 <>

Enter the new [Master Code]. The Master Code must be four digits unless otherwise indicated by your installer. Enter digits 0 through 9 only. Once the new code is entered, the keypad will beep 3 times and the display will read…

(*) to Edit<>

User Code 01P

NOTE: We recommend that the factory default Master Code [1234] not be used.

Additional Access Codes:

To erase, add or change a user code, press [*] to enter the functions list. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the following message…

Press(*) for <>

Access Codes

Press [*]. Display will read…

Enter Master

Access Code

Enter the [Master Code]. Display will read…

(*) to Edit < >

User Code 01P

Use the scroll keys (< >) to find the user code – indicated by “01P” to “32P” – you wish to add, change or delete. Press the [*] key to select the code you wish to alter. The display will read…

Enter New Code

1234 < >

To add or change a code, enter the [New User Code]. User codes must be four digits unless otherwise indicated by your installer. Enter digits 0 – 9 only. To delete a user code, enter [*]. Once the 4 digit code or [*] has been entered, the keypad sounder will beep 3 times and the display will read…

(*) to Edit < >

User Code 01P

The “P” means the code has been programmed. If there is no “P” then that code is deleted. Press [#] to exit the code programming function.

NOTE: The Master Code cannot be erased.

Access Code Attributes:

Additional programmable attributes, such as zone bypassing capability, can be activated or deactivated for each user code. For more information regarding access code attributes, please contact your installer.

DSC PC 1565 Keypad Functions PC5508Z, PC5516Z, PC5532Z, LCD5500Z Keypads:

Press both (FIRE ICON) Keys for two seconds to send a FIRE transmission.

Press both (TRIANGLE ICON) Keys for two seconds to send an AUXILIARY transmission.

Press both (POLICE BADGE ICON) Keys for two seconds to send a PANIC transmission.

PC1555RKZ Keypad:

Press the [F] key for two seconds to send a FIRE transmission.

Press the [A] key for two seconds to send an AUXILIARY transmission. (Medical)

Press the [P] key for two seconds to send a PANIC transmission. (Duress)

NOTE: (All Keypads): The Fire, Auxiliary and Panic keys will NOT function unless programmed by the installer. If these keys are in service and the installer has enabled audible feedback, holding down the key for two seconds will cause the keypad sounder to beep indicating that the input has been accepted and transmission is underway.

Fire Alarm Operation

On a fire alarm, the bell or siren will pulse ON and OFF. The transmission of the alarm to the central station is delayed for 30 seconds. If the alarm is not cleared within the 30 second delay, it will then be transmitted to the central station.

To Silence Alarm:

To silence the bell or siren, press the [#] key. If the alarm is silenced and the smoke detector is not reset, the alarm will resound after 90 seconds.

Resetting Smoke Detectors:

Once the smoke detector is reset, if it still detects smoke, the alarm sequence will resound as described above. If there is no smoke, the system will return to normal.

To reset smoke detectors from an LED Keypad:

Press [*] [7] [2].

To reset smoke detectors from an LCD Keypad:

Press [*] to enter the function list. Scroll to find:

Press (*) for<>

Output Control

Press [*] to select the output control. The display will read…

Select Output<>

Utility Output

Use the arrow (< >) keys to find the following message and press the [*] key to select…

Select Output<>

Sensor Reset

NOTE: The description above may not be applicable depending on how your installer has programmed the fire alarm operations on your system. Ask your installer for more information regarding your system’s operation.

Dsc Power 832 Pc5010 Installer Code

To set the system time, enter [*] [6] [Master Code] [1]. The keypad will now accept 10 consecutive digits:

  • Enter the Time in Hours and Minutes using the 24 Hour format (00:00 to 23:59).
  • Enter the Date in Months, Days and Years (MM DD YY).

NOTE: If you have an LCD keypad, your installer may have programmed your system to display the time and date while the keypad is idle. If this is the case, you may have to press the [#] key to clear the date and time before entering a [User code] to arm the system, or before performing any other keypad function.

Alarm Test

The Alarm Test provides a two second test of the keypad sounder and bell or siren. Begin with the panel in the Ready state.

From an LED keypad:

Enter [*] [6] [Master Code] [4]

Activate each sensor in turn (e.g. open a door/window or walk in motion detector areas).

Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

From an LCD keypad:

· Press [*] to enter the functions list. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to find “User Functions” and press [*] to select.

· Enter your [Master Code] and scroll to find the following message…

Select Option<>

System Test

Press [*] to perform an Alarm Test. The keypad will display the following message…

System Test

In Progress

Press [#] to return to the Ready state.

Full System Test:

We recommend that you test your system weekly. Should the system fail to function properly, call your installation company immediately for service.

NOTE: Perform system tests at off-peak hours.

1. Inform the central station that you are testing your system.

2. Begin with the system in the Ready state.

3. Perform a Bell/Battery test by pressing [*] [6] [Master Code] [4]. The bell and keypad buzzer will sound for two seconds and all keypad lights will turn ON.

4. Activate each sensor in turn (e.g. open a door/window or walk in motion detector areas).

From an LED keypad, observe the zone light turn ON when the zone is activated. The zone light will turn OFF when the system restores to normal (i.e. door or window closed).

From an LCD keypad, the following message will be displayed when each zone is activated…

Secure System

Before Arming < >

Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which zone is open. This message will disappear when the zone is restored.

5. If the panel has any fire zones, activation will cause the alarm signal to sound in a pulsed mode.

CAUTION: Do not use an open flame or burning materials to test a smoke or heat detector.

6. When testing is complete, call and advise the central station. Should the system fail to function properly, contact your installer.

NOTE: Some features described above will not be functional unless enabled by your installer.

Please ensure that your installer has advised you which features are functional on your system.

7. Press [#] to exit.

Viewing Trouble Conditions:

The control panel continuously monitors a number of possible trouble conditions. If one of these trouble conditions occurs, the keypad will beep twice every 10 seconds until you press any key on the keypad.

To view troubles from an LED Keypad:

A trouble will be indicated by the Trouble light (or System light on a PC1555RKZ keypad) which will remain ON until the trouble condition is cleared. If you cannot determine the cause of the trouble condition, contact your installer for assistance.

To view the type of trouble condition, press [*][2]. One or more zone lights will turn ON, indicating the various trouble conditions:

Dsc Pc5010 Installer Code For Gst

1 ……….Service required. Call your installation company for service. Press [1] and one or more of the zone lights corresponding to the following system troubles will turn ON:
1.Low Battery Supervisory5.General System Supervisory
2.Bell Circuit Trouble6.RF Jam Detected
3.General System Trouble7.PC5204 Low Battery
4.General System Tamper8.PC5204 AC Failure
2 ……….Indicates the loss of AC power. When this trouble occurs, the Trouble (or System) light will turn ON but keypad buzzer will not sound.
3 ……….Telephone line trouble.
4 ……….The panel has failed to communicate with the central station
5 ……….Zone fault. Press [5] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the faulted zones will turn ON.
6 ……….Zone tamper. Press [6] and the zone light(s) corresponding to the tampered zones will turn ON.
7 ……….Low zone battery. This trouble is generated when a wireless device exhibits a low battery condition.
Press [7] one, two, or three times to view which devices are experiencing battery failure. The following will occur:
Keypad beeps:Keypad displays:
Press [7]1Zones with low batteries (LED keypad – zone lights 1 to 8)
Press [7] again2Handheld keypads with low batteries (LED keypad – zone lights 1 to 4)
Press [7] again3Wireless keys with low batteries (LED keypad – zone lights 1 to 8).
To view the battery conditions of wireless keys 9 through 16, you must be at an LCD keypad.
8 ……….Loss of time on system clock. To set the system time, following the instructions in “Setting Date and Time

To view troubles from an LCD Keypad:

From the Ready state, use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll to the following message.

System Trouble

(*2) to View<>

Press [*] [2] key to view the trouble. The message will read…

View Trouble<>

“Trouble Message”

Use the arrow (< >) keys to view which troubles are present on the system. Once you have scrolled through the list of troubles, press the [#] key to exit the Trouble Viewing mode and return to the Ready state.


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