Last Para Of Quran Surah List

NumberAnglicized nameArabic nameEnglish Translation
1al-Fatihahal-faatiHahThe Opening
2al-Baqarahal-baqarahThe Cow
3Al-Imranaali-`imraanThe Family Of Imran
5al-Ma'idahal-maa'idahThe Food
6al-An`amal-an`aamThe Cattle
7al-A`rafal-a`raafThe Elevated Places
8al-Anfalal-anfaalThe Spoils Of War
13ar-Ra`dar-Ra`dThe Thunder
15al-Hijral-HijrThe Rock
16an-Nahlan-naHlThe Bee
17Al-Israal-Isra'The Night Journey
18al-Kahfal-kahfThe Cave
20Ta HaTaa haaTa Ha
21al-Anbiya'al-anbiyaa'The Prophets
22al-Hajjal-HajjThe Pilgrimage
23al-Mu'minunal-mu'minoonThe Believers
24an-Nuran-noorThe Light
25al-Furqanal-furqaanThe Criterion
26ash-Shu`ara'ash-shu`araa'The Poets
27an-Namlan-namlThe Ant
28al-Qasasal-qasasThe Narrative
29al-`Ankabutal-`ankabootThe Spider
30ar-Rumar-roomThe Romans
32as-Sajdahas-sajdahThe Adoration
33al-Ahzabal-aHzabThe Allies
35FatirfaaTirThe Creator
36Ya Sinyaa seenYa Sin
37as-SaffataS-SaaffaatThe Rangers
39az-Zumaraz-zumarThe Companies
40GhafirGhafirThe Forgiving One
41FussilatFussilatRevelations Well Expounded
42ash-Shuraash-shooraaThe Counsel
43az-Zukhrufazl-zukhrufThe Embellishment
44ad-Dukhanad-dukhaanThe Evident Smoke
45al-Jathiyahal-jaathiyahThe Kneeling
46al-Ahqafal-aHqaafThe Sandhills
48al-Fathal-fatHThe Victory
49al-Hujuratal-HujuraatThe Chambers
51ad-Dhariyatad-dhaariyaatThe Scatterers
52at-TuraT-ToorThe Mountain
53an-Najman-najmThe Star
54al-Qamaral-qamarThe Moon
55ar-Rahmanar-raHmaanThe Merciful
56al-Waqi`ahal-waaqi`ahThat Which is Coming
57al-Hadidal-HadeedThe Iron
58al-Mujadilahal-mujaadilahShe Who Pleaded
59al-Hashral-HashrThe Exile
60al-Mumtahanahal-mumtaHanahShe Who is Tested
61as-Saffas-saffThe Ranks
62al-Jumu`ahal-jumu`ahThe Day of Congregation
63al-Munafiqunal-munafiqoonThe Hypocrites
64at-Taghabunat-taghaabunThe Cheating
65at-Talaq,aT-TalaaqThe Divorce
66at-Tahrimat-taHreemThe Prohibition
67al-Mulkal-mulkThe Kingdom
68al-Qalamal-qalamThe Pen
69al-Haqqahal-HaaqqahThe Inevitable
70al-Ma`arijal-ma`aarijThe Ladders
72al-Jinnal-jinnThe Jinn
73al-Muzammilal-muzammilThe Mantled One
74al-Mudathiral-muddaththirThe Clothed One
75al-Qiyamahal-qiyaamahThe Resurrection
76al-Insaneal-insaneThe Man
77al-Mursalatal-mursalaatThe Emissaries
78an-Naba'an-naba'The Tidings
79an-Nazi`atan-naazi`aatThose Who Pull Out
80`Abasa`abasaHe Frowned
81at-Takwirat-takweerThe Cessation
82al-Infitaral-infiTaarThe Cleaving Asunder
83Al-MutaffifeenAl-MutaffifeenThe Defrauders
84al-Inshiqaqal-inshiqaaqThe Rending
85al-Burujal-buroojthe Constellations
86at-TariqaT-TaariqThe Night-Comer
87al-A`laal-A`laaThe Most High
88al-Ghashiyaal-ghaashiyahThe Overwhelming Calamity
89al-Fajral-fajrThe Dawn
90al-Baladal-baladThe City
91ash-Shamsash-shamsThe Sun
92al-Laylal-lailThe Night
93ad-DuhaaD-DuHaaThe Early Hours
94ash-Sharhash-SharhThe Expansion
95at-TinaT-TeenThe Fig
96al-`Alaqal-`alaqThe Clot
97al-qadral-qadrThe Majesty
98al-Bayyinahal-bayyinahThe Proof
99Az-ZalzalaAz-ZalzalaThe Shaking
100al-`Adiyatal-`aadiyaatThe Assaulters
101al-Qari`ahal-qaari`ahThe Terrible Calamity
102at-Takathurat-takaathurWorldly Gain
104al-Humazahal-humazahThe Slanderer
105al-Filal-feelThe Elephant
106al-Quraishal-quraishThe Quraish
107al-Ma`unal-maa`oonThe Daily Necessaries
109al-Kafirunal-kaafiroonThe Unbelievers
110an-Nasran-naSrThe Help
111Al-MasadAl-MasadThe Palm Fibre
112al-Ikhlasal-ikhlaaSThe Unity
113al-Falaqal-falaqThe Daybreak
114an-Nasan-naasThe Men

Short Surahs From The Quran

QuranQuran surahs in english

How Many Surah In The Quran

How Many Surahs in Quran? Do you know the total number of Makki and Madani Surah in Quran? The total number of Surahs in Quran are 114 (one hundred and one forty-four). In the Quran, There are 114 Chapters, some are the Makki and some Madani. The Quran is the religious text of Islam, the book that Muslims believe to be a revelation from Allah. Translation of Quran In English - Surah List. No: Surah Name: Total Verses: 1: Surah Al-Fatihah: 7: 2: Surah Al-Baqara: 286: 3: Surah Al-i'Imran.

Short surahs from the quran

The Ninth Para or Juz of the Quran is Qalal Malao (الْمَلَأُ قَالَ) which has 2 Surahs the first one is Surah Al-Araf and second is Surah Al Anfal. The tenth Para or Juz of the Quran is Wa A'lamu (وَاعْلَمُوا) which has 2 Surahs the first one is Surah Al- Anfal and second is Surah At-taubah. When it comes to identifying the last verse of the Qur’an, scholars have shown even more disagreement and uncertainty. There are several different views, which I will review in this article. 1) Verse 2.281: After quoting verses 278-281, al-Bukh a r i (d. 256 H / 870 CE) goes on to say that “ibn Abb a s has said that this is the last verse.

Quran Surahs In English

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